vision & values
mcn vision
we will…
…create, maintain and multiply a network of churches in Michigan led by Christ, supported by one another and faithful to the historic reformed understanding of the Holy Scriptures. We will hold to the belief that the Bible continues to mean what it meant and our call is to bring that understanding to our people today.
mcn mission
we will…
…be counter-cultural by loving the culture enough to share with all the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will call our churches and our members to know the culture well in order to earn the right to be heard with the hope of Jesus Christ.
The law may help change behavior but it is grace that changes the heart. It is the heart change, this new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), this transformation by the work of the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:2) through the hearing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 10:14) by the Sovereign will of God that actually changes a person, a culture and a world (Revelation 21:5). We believe that everyone needs God and deep in the heart of every person, there is a desire for God. We also believe that no matter who a person is or what they have done, they are usable by God to do powerful and amazing things (John 4 and John 14).
Wanting to be defined by who we are and not who we aren’t we will plant new churches and new ministries. We all grieve that many churches no longer preach the historic Gospel of Jesus Christ and we acknowledge that we cannot change them, but we can plant new churches that are committed to preaching of the Gospel, the transformation of lives (2 Corinthians 5:17) and the identification of new leaders who will be equipped to lead others (2 Timothy 2:2).
Voluntary Accountability:
We will treat one another with dignity and respect. When needed we will both offer and receive correction (Galatians 6:1). As ordained members of the Alliance of Reformed Churches, we voluntarily submit ourselves to one another (Ephesians 5:21). When there is sin, drift or concern we will approach one another via a biblical model (Matthew 18:15-18). Always seeking reconciliation, restoration and continued partnership in the ministry of reconciliation entrusted to us.
Equipping One Another:
The MCN is not the doer of things, but the gatherer of resources. We (members and churches) are the Network. While there will be systems and Network Teams, we are committed to serving one another by seeking resources from other member churches and/or leaders and offering to others resources we have available to us. The MCN board and/or staff may be gatherers and disseminators of this information, but we will each choose to share resources in order to be a catalyst for continued kingdom work (Hebrews 10:24).
“It is amazing what can be accomplished if you don’t care who gets the credit.” Harry S. Truman
Putting God's Kingdom ahead of ours:
We believe that we are to look not only to our own needs but also to the needs of others (Philippians 2:3-4). Our leadership, ministries, missions and our members will grow more and more into the people God wants us to be by continually looking for how we might “prefer the other” over ourselves. We believe that if our churches and our people are defined by showing preference to other churches, ministries and people, God will be glorified and our ultimate goal is to give glory to God (Westminster Shorter Catechism).
Prayer for one another:
Galatians 6:2 says: “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” As members of the MCN, we will pray for one another, our churches, and ministries. Thus helping carry the burden of another. But there is more to this command from Paul. We often see this as a call to bear the burden of another. But it is also a call to have our burdens born. Paul says “each other’s” or in other translations “one another’s.” Sometimes we are not the burden bearer but the one whose burden is born. We covenant to pray for the “other” but also to be the “other;” the one who needs instead of the one who helps. “…in this way (we) will fulfill the law of Christ.” This will help us keep our egos in check, humbling ourselves to one another and keep the head of the MCN….Jesus.